Monday, July 26, 2010



牛油 125 克 (我用星星牌的)
幼糖 100 克
柠檬皮屑 1 个 (只要黄色部分)
鸡蛋 3 个 (如果用AA级, 2个就够了)
自发粉 175 克
鲜奶 4 大匙

幼糖 3 大匙
柠檬汁 3 大匙
柠檬皮屑 1 个 (也是只取黄色部分)

1. 牛油及糖打至松发。
2. 加入蛋,一次一个,接着柠檬皮屑,搅拌均匀。
3. 倒入面粉及鲜奶,使用刮刀拌匀。
4. 倒入已铺上烤纸的烤盘内。
5. 预热烤箱180度,烘烤40分钟。(我用180度,35分钟)
6. 将淋面材料的幼糖及柠檬汁一起加热搅拌至糖溶化,加入柠檬皮屑拌匀,备用。
7. 蛋糕从烤箱里取出,用竹签在蛋糕体叉洞。
8. 将糖浆均匀的淋在热蛋糕的表面。
9. 如要吃到更加美味的蛋糕,建议将蛋糕放置隔夜才切片食用。

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


好想做老公爱吃的cheesecake,但是碍于时间的问题只好一拖再拖。上星期在Village Grocer(Sunway Giza)看见一盒不用烤的cheesecake就毫不犹豫的买下了。

我买的是JellO Oreo No Bake Cheesecake价值RM15.90。除了盒子内附上的材料,还需准备牛油和鲜奶。

1。 将4汤匙的牛油煮容,加入饼底压平。放入冰箱待用。
2。 将1。5鲜奶加入cheesecake粉中打发。我没有用搅拌机,只用了四枝筷子用大概2-3分钟打就行了。
3。 将(1)从冰箱取出,加入(2),推平。可以慢慢的加入Oreo饼碎或在吃时才加上。


Monday, July 5, 2010

Aqua doodle

Getting aqua doodle for young kids in bulk, anyone interested plz msg me. Original price now is RM38 each with 1 mat and 1 pen. Might be in red or blue depends on availability 10 pieces will get 10% discount. If we manage to get more than 10 then can request for more discount.

What is this?
This is actually similar to those magnetic drawing board for kids but this is using water only. Means ur kids can do hand print, leg prints or whatever print on this mat with only water. After it dry up, can reuse again and again

Some picture capture with my aqua doodle. Please take note that the base is actually white color but due to lighting and my phone camera issue so turns out looks yellowish.

If you observe clearly, there's ABC print at the side of the mat to allow kids to practice writing alphabets.

It depends on how hard you write on the mat. If you observe the star was being written by pressing hardly on mat while the flower is just normal writing. The star took longer time to dry up. Average about 2-4 mins to see the mark dissappear.